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Heard anything interesting about Economics lately? Want to see how much of real-life our models truly explain? Eager to challenge me to explain what is going on in the world? Here's the place for YOU!!!! Hang on tight Micro and Macro fans, here comes Professor Provencher!
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Is government spending to blame for today's inflation problem
00:00 / 17:55
Why are interest rates increasing around the world
00:00 / 09:20
Does government spending bring inflation
00:00 / 09:26
How did the economy catch COVID-19?Prof Pro
00:00 / 13:56
Is the USD losing its edge?Prof Pro
00:00 / 20:26
Will Brexit bring shortages similar to WWII?Prof Pro
00:00 / 14:02
Why is Maruro burning Venezuela's gold?Prof Pro
00:00 / 09:30
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